Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

war symbol

whether you as a devotee symbol, a symbol that can take you to the wretched, war will probably fly, if only the various busy on one view of truth in the course, and negate the other.

What about your life depends on the symbol that will not be quite profitable for you, if you trust all things surely matter sought the truth through a variety of theories that you kuasai.

if your life is always a symbol of fanatical akan certain that you can dominate and not necessarily with the symbol that you have been told properly.

however in the symbol of human life is required, but we need to avoid fanaticism on the symbol, a symbol of fanaticism as a disaster for the nation, state and religion.

fanaticism is not a symbol that we avoid, but the war on the ideology of the symbol that you avoid hold the first, if someone who has a different symbol.

belong to god truth

in many cases often found that many organizations, associations and community groups that claim to have conducted himself with all things right, but the error of our deeds, not often seen.

there is no truth in the pure human being, because only pure truth only belong to God, most intelligent people would even find errors in the theory and find a lot of weakness in certain individual's imagination.

whether in each ask to do something has an error which we do every time and place, much of what we do we often forget, when we feel will always make mistakes.

whether we can be truth, if we think carefully before doing something, maybe everything that we do no one can measure and correct one, because we know that is capable of making a correct one and only God alone, we can only estimate it .


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